
The Art of Negotiation

Negotiating is one of businesses most valuable yet underappreciated skill. The impact of a poor negotiation may go unrecognized for months or years, while the benefits of a well negotiated deal are often lost in the hectic day-to-day conduct of business. Though it may sometimes be lost in the shuffle, the art of negotiation is one that proves invaluable time and again. It is also an art that Rabican is uniquely skilled at and where it truly sets itself apart.

The Impact of Negotiation

It is not uncommon for significant value to be at play during the negotiating process and it is often negotiating skill that ends up being the single determining factor in the outcome. Whether it’s millions of dollars overpaid for an acquisition or similar amounts unrealized through the sale of a company, effective negotiating is often the only thing standing between those millions ending up on your side or the other.

Common Pitfalls

Most executives engage in negotiations on a daily basis, and as such, pride themselves as being skilled in this area of business. Unfortunately, it is often a belief they pay dearly for at some point or another. When it comes to truly material negotiations, their comfort-level with day-to-day negotiations often sets the stage for misguided involvement in the process.

It is important to recognize the importance of involving experts in the art of negotiating to maximize the outcome of a negotiation. When leveraging Rabican’s expertise in this area, remember that our role is to establish the best possible terms and conditions for you, the client, to make a final decision. Ultimately, the authority and decision-making always resides with you. Rabican is here to guide you to the best possible outcome.